Content Marketing in Travel and Tourism industry

                                  Source: With consumers becoming savvier the competition is getting fierce in the travel industry. There is a plethora of websites to look upon and blogs to pour-over. So, the next obvious question that’s gonna pop in your business mind is how do you stand out from the crowd and your company wins the business. Well to quote from an essay “Future of the Internet” by Bill Gates where he stated “Content is king”, yes, we completely agree with him as content marketing is a very broad aspect of digital marketing and everything fits in this term; product, branding, communication, and service, etc. It is one of the easiest ways to reach your target audience and increase their interest in your brand. Traditional marketing techniques like post-mails and TV ads push-out a message out to the audience who may or may not be interested in trying out your brand. Content marketing pulls an already interested sect of the audience to your platfor

HTTP cookies in Travel Industry

HTTP cookies

Cookies are the topic that everyone is talking about and not exactly to accompany it with a glass of milk or a cup of coffee. But what exactly are cookies? Do we have to worry? Many companies are benefiting from the use of cookies.

Today in our blog we will give you all the details about what cookies are or also known as cache, and all the details whether or not we have to be alarmed about how they collect our information.

HTTP cookies, also known as browser or Internet cookies, but what are these? They are small blocks of information that are generated when a user visits a website.

Within the HTTP cookies, there are different types, each one of them with a specific purpose that we will describe below.

Session cookies

This type of cookie is used specifically on online shopping or e-commerce sites, also known as temporary cookies, this helps retain information while the user is browsing the web page, but at the time the user leaves or closes it. the browsed these are deleted.

Permanent cookies

Due to data protection law, these can only remain for 12 months after which they must be deleted and they persist even when the web browser has already been closed, they are often used to remember logins and passwords as an alternative to users who do not have to re-enter them.

First-party cookies

These are regularly already pre-installed by the domain of the website, these cookies are focused on performing useful functions that can provide a user experience to the user, collecting analytical data for the owners of the websites and thus being able to provide that good experience for the user. .

Third-party cookies

Undoubtedly this may be the one that most frightens many, these are installed by third parties with the aim of collecting accurate information in order to carry out an investigation. As are user behaviour, demographics, and spending habits.

Advertisers who want to ensure that their products and services are offered to the proper target group frequently employ them.

Flash cookie

Flash cookies, often known as super cookies,' are browser-independent, they're made to stay on a user's computer indefinitely. These types of cookies remain on the devices even when all browser cookies have already been deleted.

Zombie cookies

These types of cookies are the most difficult to detect and manage since they are generated again after being deleted by the user, they are commonly used in online games in order to avoid cheating.

We could believe that cookies have more disadvantages than advantages, but this is not the case, so we mention some of the positive aspects.

Advantages of Cookies


1.User Friendly

The user can always choose what to do with them, since all browsers have settings to delete their history.



These can always be configured for long periods so they will always be available, due to this they are stored on the hard drive, and they will always be available as long as the user deletes them manually.



These can help remember information from forms and complete them automatically every time the user needs it, however for security reasons they do not remember credit card information etc.


4. Marketing

Most companies make use of this in order to collect information such as search terms, keywords, all this to redirect products to customers.


5. Configurations

These can be preset so that they are only available during a specific period or time.

Disadvantages of Cookies

1. Browser Impacts

With the constant use of the browser, these are accumulating more and more cookies, and this could bring about a problem by slowing down the browser, since these are part of and accumulate on the hard drive.

2. Security Risks

Since these are stored as text on hard drives, they are exposed to being opened by an intruder and stealing information.

3. Size Limitations

Because these can only store up to 4kb per cookie, browsers have imposed a limit of cookies increasing this to 20 per website excluding some browsers.

4. Privacy Concerns

As a result of surfing the Internet, cookies record all online activity, for the most part, the user is unaware that all this information is stored on the hard drive of their computer, given this, any third party can have access to this stored information.

Due to the constant use of cookies on websites, websites must inform users about the basic rule of cookies on websites and that is that they notify the user about what cookies are being used for and what they will be used for by notifying them. with a message on the user's screen.

In NOMADS we are always aware that you want to see your agency grow and that is why we share with you what the benefits could be if you start introducing cookies on your website.

These can help you track potential customers since through them we can track how our customer came to the website was it through Pay Per Click? Was it an organic search? Were they referred from another website?

They can give us precise information on how many pages of our website our prospect has visited and give information over long periods of time.

Another of magnificent detail that these can give us is the number of visits to our website through this we could have an idea of ​​which of our visitors would be willing to buy or acquire a service on our page.

Visit Notifications

As we, as a website, store the information of our clients through cookies, we can receive a notification when they visit our website, giving us ample possibilities that a transaction or the client acquires any of our services.

Without a doubt, not everything is perfect on the subject of cookies, just as there are great benefits that we can make use of in our travel agencies, there are also cons. But without a doubt, making use of this tool for your website helps you expand your business and potential customers.


Room, M., 2022. 6 Advantages and Disadvantages of Cookies | Limitations & Benefits of Cookies on Website. [online] HitechWhizz - The Ultimate Tech Experience. Available at: <> [Accessed 30 March 2022]. (n.d.). What are the different types of internet cookies? [online] Available at:

Author Gerardo Lopez


  1. Kashyap Srinivas2 April 2022 at 14:51

    Cookies are little pieces of code that are downloaded to users' web browsers when they visit various websites. Because it remembers prior online behaviors, such as log-in information, location settings, what's in your cart, and more, the information they contain provides a more personalized user experience. Advertisers use cookies to collect information about you, such as which websites you visited, so they can present the most relevant and tailored content to certain audiences.

    Cookies can be useful if the industry is planning to go for target marketing. Successful campaigns are built on the foundation of consumer targeting. It benefits brands by ensuring that their advertising budgets are put to the best possible use, reaching targeted audiences with ads that are relevant to them. Consumers benefit as well, as they get a more customized and personalized online experience.

  2. Cookies help improve the experience on-site by recognizing the users, recalling their login credentials and their preferences. They help in personalizing and targeting advertisements based on users’ browsing history, boost the numbers in terms of sales by tracking previously viewed items, shopping preferences, engagement, and behavior on site. Like everything has its own pros and cons so does cookies as they are vulnerable to users’ privacy.


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